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St Keyne and Trewidland Parish Council


Reports for Public Meetings

65A Apr 2021 Bank Reconciliation May 2021

51C Outturn Q4 Jan-Mar 2021

49A Letters from Sheryll Murray MP

51B Bank Reconciliation Apr 2021 End of Year

35E Consultation on St Austell China Clay Restoration & Tipping

35D Letter from Wildanet about free broadband

37C Footpath Maintenance LMP Agreement 2021/22 Mar 2021

35C Letter from CALC about virtual meetings Mar 2021

35B Letter from Trewidland School Mar 2021

35B Letter from Duloe School Mar 2021

35B Letter from Dobwalls School Mar 2021

36A Certificate from Womens Centre Cornwall Mar 2021

37A Feb Bank Reconciliation Mar 2021

22E Dobwalls & Trewidland NDP Consultation Feb 2021

23C Outturn Q3 (Oct-Dec) Feb 2021

23B Jan 2021 Bank Reconciliation Feb 2021

12B Location of future public meetings Jan 2021

12A Training Policy Jan 2021

12A Freedom of Information Request Jan 2021

12A Financial Risk Assessment draft Jan 2021

07F Liskeard Foodbank thank you

07E Cornwall Hospice thank you

07D Carol Beaver thank you

07C True Butterflies Foundation Jan 2021

07B Census 2021 Jan 2021

07A Change of name Jan 2021

Dec 2020 Bank Reconciliation Jan 2021

Policies and Procedures

Civility & Respect Pledge

Health & Safety Policy Statement

Councillors Portfolios 2024/25

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults

SKPC Briefing Overhanging trees and hedges

SKPC Financial Regulations Jul 2022

SKPC Standing Orders Jul 2022

SKPC Donations FAQ

SKPC Code of Conduct Sep 2021

SKPC Code of Conduct Guide revised 2021

SKPC Training for Staff & Councillors Jan 2021

SKPC FOI Application Form Jan 2021

SKPC Making a Freedom of Information Request Jan 2021

SKPC Financial Risk Assessment Jan 2021

SKPC Employee Grievance Policy Nov 2020

SKPC Employee Disciplinary Policy Nov 2020

SKPC Complaints Policy Nov 2020

SKPC Planning Applications update Mar 2020

SKPC Planning Pre App Protocol Feb 2019

SKPC GDPR Reporting Data Breaches Policy

SKPC GDPR Subject Access Request Policy

SKPC GDPR Acceptable Use Policy

SKPC GDPR Retentions Policy

SKPC General Privacy Notice Nov 2018

SKPC Publications Scheme May 2018

SKPC Forward Plan & Reserves Policy 2018

SKPC List of Publications Jan 2018

SKPC Code of Conduct 2017

SKPC Donations Frequently Asked Questions

SKPC Donations Terms & Conditions


D&T NDP signed

Temp 73 Bus Changes

How the council spends your money

Civic Calendar 2024

Coronation web flyer

CC Voting on a Mayor Referendum

CC Briefing Note Cornwall Mayor

How the council spends your money 2023/23

Cemetery Path documents to return

Cemetery Path Invitation to tender

OLB Jun 2022

Statement on Ukraine March 2022

Network Rail St Keyne Station Jan 2022

Civic Calendar 2022

Introducing SKTPC

Notice of casual vacancies - Tre & StK

Chair Annual Report 2019-2021

Audit 2020 Annual Return digital copy

Audit 2020 Public Rights Notice

Audi 2020 Explainer

Audit 2020 Item 1 Expenditure 2019/20

Audit 2020 Item 2 End of Year Accounting Statement

Audit 2020 Item 3 Annual Governance Statement

Audit 2020 Item 4 Annual Internal Audit Report

Audit 2020 Item 5 Councillors & Responsibilities

Audit 2020 Item 6 Asset Register

Audit 2020 Item 7 Certificateof Exemption

COVID-19 Community Fund FAQs

SKPC Coronavirus Newsletter 30 April 2020

SKPC Business Continuity March 2020

Legal Notices

SKPC AGAR & Audit Report 2023 24

SKPC Public Rights Notice Jun 2024

Audit 2023 Conclusion of Audit Notice

Audit 2023 Annual Return & Commentary

Audit 2023 Asset Register

Audit 2023 Full Expenditure

Audit 2023 Public Rights Notice

Audit 2023 Explainer

Notice of vacancy 19 Jun 2023

SKPC Audit 2023 Public Rights

Audit 2022 Notice of conclusion of udit

Audit 2022 Audit Explainer

Audit 2022 Item 1 Expenditure

Audit 2022 Item 2 End of Year Accounting Statement

Audit 2022 Item 3 Annual Governance Statement

Audit 2022 Item 4 Annual Internal Audit Report

Audit 2022 Item 6 Asset Register

Audit 2022 Item 7 Certificate of Exemption

Audit 2022 Notice of Annual Audit

Audit 2021 Public Rights Notice

Audit 2021 Audit Explainer

Audit 2021 Item 1 Expenditure

Audit 2021 Item 2 End of Year Accounting Statement

Audit 2021 Item 3 Annual Governance Statement

Audit 2021 Item 4 Annual Internal Audit Report

Audit 2021 Item 6 Assest Register

Audit 2021 Item 7 Certificate of Exemption


Informer No3 May 2024

Trewidland NDP Polling

Salt Bins FAQ

CAB Winter Advice

Informer No2 Feb 2024

Bank Report Nov 2023

Road Safety Report Nov 2023

Chairs Annual report 2023

Safeguarding Key Points

Safeguarding Toolkit

SKPC Councillor Responsibilities 2022/23

SKPC Lawn Cemetery Regulations Jul 2022

OLB Jun 2022

SKPC Chairs Annual Report 2021-22

Civic Calendar 2022

SKPC Explainer Budget & Precept 2022/23

04 What a councillor does

Trewidland Walkabout July 2021 Report

Attending a parish council meeting May 2021

Parish Council Election Result Trewidland Ward May 2021

Parish Council Election Result St Keyne Ward May 2021

SKPC CC Result May 2021

13 SKPC Declaration of Acceptance blank

12 SKPC Declaration of Acceptance

11 SKPC Register of Interests

10 SKPC Complaints

09 SKPC Standing Orders

08 SKPC Planning

07 SKPC Financial Regulations

06 SKPC Civic Calendar

05 SKPC Privacy & Data Protection

04 SKPC Code of Conduct

03 SKPC What the Chairman does

02 SKPC What the Clerk does

01 SKPC Parish Council Duties

Election 2021 Candidates for PCC

Election 2021 Candidates for Cornwall Council in St Keyne & Trewidland

Election 2021 Councillor Survey

Election 2021 Candidates for St Keyne & Trewidland Parish Council

St Keyne Parish Newsletter March 2021

Election 2021 Parish Council election notice Cornwall East

Election 2021 Cornwall Council election notice

Election 2021 Police & Crime Commissioner

SKPC Councillors Privacy Notice

Good Councillors Guide

EQG What does the council spend

EQG What is a parish council

EQG How to apply to be a councillor

EQG Who me? Why become a parish counciollor

SKPC Attending a virtual meeting Feb 2021

SKPC Civic Calendar revised Aug 2021

St Keyne Well history

Be Kind Newsletter Nov 2020

SKPC Lawn Cemetery Plaque Order Oct 2020

SKPC Lawn Cemetery Fees Oct 2020