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St Keyne and Trewidland Parish Council

Welcome to the St Keyne and Trewidland Parish Council Website

Dydh da.

On our website, you will be able to find out all you need about the council's work and the services it delivers to residents and visitors of our community.

If you are looking for information about this council, you can view and download a handy guide to what it does, or browse along the menu at the top of this page.

If you are looking for details of what services Cornwall Council provides, such as recycling, planning and planning enforcement, potholes and fly-tipping, visit their website at

Introducing your new parish council

26th June 2021

Civility & Respect

Throughout the local government sector, there are growing concerns about the impact bullying, harassment, and intimidation are having on local councils, councillors, clerks, council staff and the resulting effectiveness of local councils.

Councillors in St Keyne & Trewidland have signed up to a Civility & Respect Pledge that sets out what they regard as acceptable behaviour between themselves and their residents.

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Civility & Respect Pledge

23rd July 2024

Next Council Meeting Wednesday 11 September 2024 7.30pm Trewidland village hall

Agenda and reports for this meeting are published on the 'Meetings' section of this website. Everyone welcome. View and download a civic calendar of meetings for 2024 below.

Download document (pdf)

Dobwalls & Trewidland Neighbourhood Plan Referendum 4 April 2024 - Yes!

Update on referendum called for 4 April 2024, that: 343 said Yes (91.46% of those who voted), 32 said No (8.53%), a majority in favour of 311. 1839 people were entitled to vote, 375 ballot papers were issued and the turn-out was 20.39%

Formal adoption notice

4th June 2024

The Informer - May edition out now

The May 2024 edition is being delivered right now!

If you haven't had your copy yet, drop us an email and we'll get one out to you

The Informer No3 May 2024

7th May 2024

Report it!

If you have any issues with potholes, dogs, abandoned vehicles, graffiti, flytipping or planning, the easiest way to report it to Cornwall Council is to go online. Cornwall Council will acknowledge your complaint and give you a reference number so that you can track its progress.

If you have an issue with trees or hedges that are growing over the pavement, the parish council can take action for you. Download the quick guide below.

Download this guide to logging your complaint (pdf)

Overhanging trees and bushes

How the parish council spends your money 2024/2025

At their public meeting on 8 November 2023, councillors voted to approve the parish council budget for 2024/2025 and to set a precept (local council tax) that will be charged out to residents in the coming year. This note explains what the council’s budget for next year is and sets out how it manages residents’ tax receipts.

The precept for 2024/2025 has been agreed at £12,618. This is the same as it is in the current year

How the council spends your money 2024-25

31st January 2024

Community Emergency Plan updated November 2022

The council's Community Emergency Plan has been updated to include the new ward of Trewidland and is available to download below The plan is not designed to deal with local emergencies affecting only one householder or when the emergency services can deal with it without parish council involvement.

Download document (pdf)

10th November 2022

St Keyne & Trewidland Parish Council meets monthly to manage the affairs of the parish. If you need to contact any of the Councillors or raise an issue for discussion at the meeting, use our online enquiry form to contact the Parish Clerk.

St Keyne & Trewidland Parish Council Privacy Notice

Your privacy is important to us and we take care to protect it. We will only share your data in very specific circumstances. Follow this link to view and download the council's General Privacy Notice . If you have any questions about your data privacy, contact the Data Protection Officer using ouronline enquiry form.

Safeguarding for children and vulnerable adults

This council takes seriously its responsibility under the current legislation to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and adults, and to work together with other agencies to ensure that there are adequate arrangements within our organisation to identify and support those who are suffering harm. Where someone is suffering significant harm, or is likely to do so, action will be taken to protect that person.

Please contact the Clerk’s Office if you have any concerns. All calls in strictest confidence. You can read the council's policy and commitment here.

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